Saturday, August 27, 2011

America in debt a crisis of our own making

This may not be my usual blog type that points the finger at someone else for the problems created. I am not blaming the Democratic party or the Republican party or the Tea Baggers, or the Independents, rather I am screaming at the readers of this blog, YES YOU. Wait don't turn tail and run stay and get the tongue lashing that you so much deserve. The national debt is now somewhere around 1.5 trillion with a  capital T and its your fault, actually all of our faults. Why is it our faults? It has something to do with responsibility, you see we vote for the people who make our laws, we then sit back and here about new bills before congress and we do nothing about it, we don't read the proposed bills we don't call our congressmen we don't put our foot down and say NO!

Has anyone ever read a bill that was about to become law? Has anyone ever paid attention to the amendments that get tacked on to bills before the vote? Here is one that is a true story, a recent bill came out of committee and an amendment was tacked on requiring that 1.5 million dollars be granted to a toy company that produced toy arrows made of wood purchased from a logging company in Wisconsin. Yes you guessed it the bill was voted on it became law and a toy company that should have gone out of business years ago ( toy arrows?) was rescued by the US Congress. Actually it was rescued by you and I and our tax dollars. Pork barrel spending is what it is called, but you would be surprised how many people I have talked to that do not even know what it means. Now that I have explained it, we all have a responsibility not just to vote but be involved in the process and to oversee the people that we hire in to office.

Why? It's because its what our forefathers wanted us to do. Our Forefathers and the founders of our country didn't expect us to just sit back and entrust people. They wanted us to be involved in the process. We were to be part of the checks and balances process. We have failed, and we have failed miserably. We dropped the ball, we fumbled we turned our back on our responsibilities. It's time to pick up the ball and become responsible members of our countries political process. We don't have to run for office, we just need to be involved, we need to track and read proposed bills. How? Go here: 

this site publishes all proposed bills from the 103rd congress forward so you can read old bills from the Clinton era all the way through the 112th congress and check up on President NoBama, excuse me Obama. President Obama's pork barrel spending is even worse than President Carter's whom many think  just rubber stamped everything that crossed his office unless it was for defense spending when he then summarily vetoed those bills.

We the people in order to form a more perfect union. These words reach out to us from over 200 years ago, We the people, not just the fat gas bag old men who run things now, but we the people. Our forefathers had it in mind that we would be involved and every time we are forced to increase the federal debt ceiling the noise you hear is not just protesting but our founding fathers rolling over in their graves.

What would happen if every person in America decided to run our checkbooks for one month the way the federal government runs theirs? The answer every single bank in America would fail, and the economy would be set back 100 years. you see in mathematical terms the US runs a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit in its checking account, or in simple terms they are overdrawn by 1.5 trillion dollars.

If everyone in America over drafted their bank account by just $1000.00 the result would be $230 Billion dollars in deficit spending (overdrawn accounts) roughly calculated by the number of Americans reduced by a guesstimate for people under 18 with no checking account and the homeless but you get the idea.

Banks get the money they use day to day not just from deposits but from the federal Reserve Bank on what is know as the overnight repo rate or the rate at which the Federal Reserve Bank loans money overnight to the banks to keep them running. If everyone in America over drafted their account by $1000.00 the Federal Reserve would panic because they wouldn't have enough money to keep all the banks running, and it would cause a mass calamity the likes of which would make the recent mortgage crisis look like child's play. What does this have to do with the Federal Deficit? Everything!

You see We the People are allowing the fat old gasbag men to run our national bank account on an overdrawn  basis that allows them to throw in PORK BARREL SPENDING like 1.5 million dollars in bailout dollars to toy arrow manufacturers and so many more that if I printed them there would be a breakout of the stomach flue or at the least the symptoms of it like mass vomiting. The gist of it is that we are allowing it by not overseeing the job of the people that we hire. We need to be calling our Senators and Congressmen every time we read a proposed bill that contains Pork Barrel spending. We will hear the reasons like  hey its the only way we are going to get the bill to pass. The Republicans wont let it go through without it or the Democrats tacked it on to stop the bill dead so we are passing it despite them. We the People.............ENOUGH is ENOUGH is ENOUGH get involved call your Senator, call your Congressmen read the Bill's congress are proposing then get on the phone and call, say enough is enough tell them to balance the budget, tell them to stop accepting amendments to bills when they dont make sense and we cant afford them. Tell them to stop allowing Senators from Wisconsin to rescue friends toy businesses that we don't care about. All I can say is WE THE PEOPLE. Please America, WE THE PEOPLE get involved clearly we have all been negligent in the duties our forefathers asked of us. Lets all make up for it now.


Kevin M. Jankoski