Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas America

Merry Christmas America! Momma in her kerchief and I in my cap had just settled in for a long winters nap when out on the lawn there arose such a clatter I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a bumbling house, senate, and executive branch that were delivering fear!

Fear in the dollar and a zero interest rate, fear in our economy but there would be no debate. For the men and women sent to DC to do the bidding for you and for me had become so selfish and vested in me, the me that would get me reelected, the me that got me on TV, the me that benifitted from my fat cat friends you know the ones who rented my votes. They rented the "me" votes by paying my way on corporate jets that looked better than a sleigh, they send me on trips, and give me good gifts how can I say no when they rented my "me".

I shake all the hands and I kiss all the babies, I tell my constituents a big fat maybe knowing damn well there's no way I will help because all my fat cats would cry and would yelp. America she is the greatest of all, but she has been napping since 2008's fall. When a man was elected who told everyone yes, he couldn't even say no to the press, he needed them all so he told them what they wanted to hear, so they heard what they'd like to get himself into that house. You know the one,the one we pay for ourselves. We pay for the butlers,the massive staff the protection details and the hoopla and hash, it's a good gig don't go getting me wrong heck I stole this job for the price of a song.

The fear I have now is that someone will see the one that's under the facade of the me, the one who did nothing but say yes to all, the one who was really the cause of America's fall. I force fed them healthcare I weakened our men I went to the enemy and telegraphed the end, I spent and I spent cause it's all I knew after all the only experience I had was in school. I fear the end of my kingdom in near, because America has never put up with fear she'll flex her muscles and make the right change because we forget sometimes that the people hold the reigns. We go into a both pull a lever that's all and then America will get up from her fall. We'll get back on our feet put our people to work we'll eventually forget all the me's and the jerks the ones who forgot what our forefathers taught that America is here to be a shining light on a hill, the shine just because of the people's will. Live free or die is not just a states slogan it's the principal under which our constitution was chosen.

It's high time I tell you that the people be heard that the damn politicians get the word. We all must speak clearly with one solid voice that it's not about a party us against them it's about doing right for the young ones to come. So let's all think about the choices we make let's elect our leaders based on what it takes. Let's not pick our leaders from catchy sound bites, nor exclude qualified leaders based on what they do in their night, let's look for a leader who has a plan to stand up miss liberty straight and tall so she can once again be a beacon to all.

So as I looked out at the bumbling fool's on my lawn I screamed my displeasure down to them with a familiar hand sign, told them to leave the land that was mine, I turned and went back to bed with a yawn to dream that my vision was soon to be, so goodnight to you I say an a merry Christmas to all and to all a good fright.


Kevin M Jankoski
US Army Veteran
American Citizen
Sick and Tired of the spin