Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday 10/30/2010 what about the day after Monday?

What about the day after Monday? What will happen when Wednesday morning comes? What will have happened in America?  For one, we know we have stopped a potential terrorist attack. This is one that we know of but it is nothing new. We stop potential terrorists every day, this is just one "they" felt comfortanle to share with us. What about the effects of the Mid Terms? Will we finally be rid of Nancy Pelosi and her far left reaching tactics? ( I for one, would like to see it also end Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, and on the state level Jery Brown in California really he's back again?)  There was a rally in Maryland that is all about firing Nancy Pelosi and we know the RNC chairman Michael Steele was there, wearing a fire Pelosi sweat shirt.

Does it matter? I think I have reached critical mass in regards to American Politics. Will the American people come out and make the call or will billions of corporate unmonitored donations all legal under current FEC regulations supported by the recent US Supreme Court swing this election? Is it possible for the Average American to have a say in this process that our founding fathers wanted us all not only to have a say in but wanted all of us to be actively involved in? I can honestly say that we will not know until the day after Monday.

I think the best thing that could happen is a 50/50 split between the parties give the house to the Dems and give the Senate to the republicans, or vice versa, dont give any one party all of the power, NOTHING will get done if that happens? The best thing that ever happened in American Politics I was remindd by my Brother in law Gil, happened During President Clintons second term when Dem's. lost control of  both the house and senate, retaining control of just the house. Why was this so great? It forced repeat FORCED bipartisanship. There was no way the Clinton's wanted to commit Political Suicide. They reached Across the part lines and Governed.They spent the last two years balancing the budget, passing meaningful reforms reducing the welfare rolls, and helping to make conditions favorable for small business to grow and create new jobs. ( you see Senator Reid, Sharron Angle was right, Senators Do NOT create job's they simply vote on legislation making conditions more favorable for small business to expand and hire more people......small business creates jobs not has been Senators from Nevada.).

I have found it interesting the number of Democrats trying to save thier jobs distancing themselves from President Obama. President Obama's approval rate is 48% unfavorable Job Performance 46% favorable ( source: ) this is a notable improvement in the last six months partially because the focus is off of the President, and focused on the midterms.

My prediction is that the President's approval rating will tank again once the Midterms are over. As for me, I think the midterms will do whatever Billion Dollar Corporations want it to do, right up until the FEC grows some teeth and goes after real campaign reform. The American electoral process has been shanghied by the billion dollar donations, I say billions but we will never know the true amount, why? The US Supreme Court has upheald that unlimited donations by Corporations do not need to be disclosed or monitored by the FEC? According to the US Supreme Courts Ruling in January opened the door to unlimited spending on elections by Corporations and Unions, and other groups. The decission did not affect direct corporate or union contributions to candidates; those are still banned.......huh? what? Nor did it cover spending by political action comitees run by special interests, which must disclose contributors! Huh what? where? WTF? The ruling did however free corporations and unions to spend on independants ads for and against candidates, as well as on other advocacy efforts such as mailings? ( sources: The Louisville Courier Journal, The Non Profit Sunlight foundation, Washington D.C., Google Search,)

In the end this blog is not meant to give legitimacy to the far left or the far right to the tea party or my block party. I am to be sure a Fiscally Conservative Centrist Republican. I am also a Federalist believing that the power should rest with the individual States, not the federal Government ( just like Ronald W. Reagan). I believe that we should reduce the size of Federal Government, wherever practical and fiscally responsible. I am an American, I served in my countries armed service and urge others to do so if for no other reason than to gain the heightened sense of Patriotism I hold dear. I love the emails and phone calls and interaction this blog has allowed me, to talk politics with people from all walks of life. I know with one of my favorite persons in the world residing in Dallas Texas, it initially appeared that we were miles apart on our beliefs but after talking through the blogs I have posted, we found out there was not much we totally disagreed on and there was some we agreed in principal but broke down on funding but the best thing is that we talked about it and we are close, that gives me hope that in the House and the Senate when the blood letting is over that they will all sit around and talk for once openly, and find common ground, and return American Politics to the prominence it once held as the design for Democracy around the world.

I have always felt a duty and honor for my country I will not ever agree with burning the flag, or those that consider themselves witty and hang their flag upside down when an election does not go their way ( an international sign of distress) but I do agree that the freedom of speech and expression gives them that right. To use an old saying from the Vietnam War era, "America love it or leave it man." This is our Country, our home, it is who we are, the most charitable nation on earth. The defenders of freedom and safety around the globe. We are judged and viewed differently by the nations of the world with every administration, that is the greatest gift our forefathers gave us, the founding fathers gave us the freedom of election and democracy, the ability to change the way we are viewed worldwide every 4 or 8 years, all in all I love this place, and I love my fellow Americans, and all I have to say is God Bless America, give us all the courage to go out on the day after Monday and vote our conscience, and do the best we can. Lastly,

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under GOD indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all.

Thanks for reading.


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