Sunday, February 13, 2011

New Democracies and Freedom for all

To my readers, I have been absent for a while as I was healing from a recent surgery, however I have watched with baited breath the developments in Egypt with the most confounded thoughts of WHY HASN'T the OBAMA Administration demanded Mubarak to step down from the very beginning? I was recently a guest on the air of POTUS on Sirius radio channel 110 with Pete Dominick and I made the comment that the only thing I could think of is that the Egyptian government (read Mubarak) has been a great help to the US in helping us to fight the war on terror, and been one of the leaders in the middle east that has helped to keep the other Arab countries from seeking war with Israel. I don't know but maybe it's oil, maybe it is the Devil you know being better than the Devil you don't mentality. Pete fired back with a very correct comment that although Mubarak may have been a leader that has kept peace visibly in Egypt and kept war with Israel off the minds of the people, but he did it by denying the personal rights of the people of Egypt, as a true Dictator, stealing billions from the people and jailing his political opponents. That there has been some horrific treatment of the Egyptian people, Pete you rightfully corrected me and as always I thank you for providing a forum for everyday people to discuss this and other politico subjects!

I don't pretend to know what is in the minds of our President sometimes I wonder if he knows what his thoughts are. That being said at least Mubarak knew what his thoughts were and they were gee whiz, I need to take my stolen 70 Billion dollars and get the heck out of Dodge.

I am making this Blog  post a short and to the point blog, we should all pray for Egypt, that the people have been heard and the Dictator of over thirty years has stepped down is not enough, we need to pray that they keep it peaceful and that they "shoot" for a peaceful democracy that they can see freedom reign for a long time to come, and feel what it is like to have freedom of speech, true woman's rights, safety and prosperity for all.We need to pray that and demand that the US provide the Egyptians the help they need. They will need probably to rewrite the Egyptian Constitution to modernize it for the times we are in. There is a lot of work to be done and I can only hope that the United States and her people will reach out and help our Egyptian brothers and sisters. To at the least give them our advice for a view of a free society.

I for one spent my time in conversation to my GOD asking him to be with my brothers and sisters in Egypt and to help them celebrate their freedom, but to avoid a vacuum that could bring about civil unrest and fighting, as well as ethnic cleansing as Egypt has a tremendous dichotomy of religions factions and beliefs. I pray for unity peace and useful conversations at the highest level to make sure the change of power in Egypt results in a true change that reflects the various wills of all the people.



shamccabe said...
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