Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Declaration of Independence a brief review

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..."                                                                      Colonel Oliver North (right) and I in 2008

The framers of the Declaration of independence were incredible men, they risked their lives to tell an oppressive government that they had had enough. Today we don't have those same brave men. We don't have awesome men willing to run for office, because the Press today has powers the framers never dreamed of.

We have allowed the press to dig so far into the pasts of potential candidates that they are forced to drop out of races because in the sixth grade they smoked a cigarette in the bathroom with four friends they haven't seen since sixth grade. Our candidates today are scrutinized in ways that the framers could not have possibly hoped to imagine, nor would they have tolerated. They envisioned the citizen politician the farmer politician that would go to Washington and serve a term or two and come home, their obligation to there country fulfilled.In essence the framers of the Deceleration of Independence and the drafters of the United States Constitution envisioned term limits.

The far left says we have term limits they are called elections, the far right is against term limits because it could do harm to all the pac money they spend to get Conservative Christians elected, what is needed to pass a term limits amendment is more Reagan Democrats and centrist Republicans and a majority republican House and Senate. However in today's world the election is a bought and paid for event. A Senator elected today needs to start raising $2000 per day for their re-election campaign. How then are they actually doing the work of the people they were elected by if so much of their time is spent trying to save their Gig? Term limits make sense, maybe not a limit of one term or two but how about a four term limit. I think that would make sense but the Idea isn't about what I think, its about what the country thinks.

We complain about what is wrong but then we look to others to fix whats wrong. Usually we look to the politicians we are upset with to fix the problems we find with them. It is the equivalent of asking the drug dealers to please move to a different street corner. Either way they say no and now your on their hit list. Politics in this country is becoming a game of full court press instead of chess. The framers envisioned intellectual discussions and bipartisanism, not a roll up your sleeves donnybrook over getting reading books paid for and in the classroom for our children. For that matter the framers were by and large federalists meaning that they believed the US Government should allow the power over the States to rest with the States, not with the Federal government.

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
This was then an incredibly inflamatory statement being made to the King of England to let him know enough is enough, it was bold thinking it was loud expressionism it was the equivelent of asking the King to Step Outside and put up his dukes. Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. In other words we have to give our consent for power to the government over we the people. We need to stand as a nation to our leaders and force them to read the Declaration of Independece outloud once a week in the house and senate until they get that we get what it's all about. We give our consent to be ruled by our government, the government today acts as though they give us the right to live under their rules, that we do not have the power to make that decission, and this is one of those things that must change.
 In order to change this, we need more people involved in the process, and these people need to be informed as to what our framers of the government envisioned. We need to make sure the vision of these great men who gave us so much of themselves lives on, that we continue to carry the torche they lit and handed down. No one believes that progress should ever stop or that the framers thought the work was done and complete this is eveidenced by our money take out a one dollar bill and look at the back of it, at the pyramid and the Latin Words Annuit Coeptis roughly translated He (GOD) favors our good works, further evidencing the fact that we are a country of Christians by an overwhelming majority of 83%, this is not meant in any way to downplay the Awesome Americans that are Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, eccetera. The money says GOD favors our good works not the Christian GOD, not the Hindu God or the Jewish GOD it says GOD, why? Because freedom of worship was one of the tennants of the declaration of independence.

I sit here in my home in the United States of America, in the Commonwealth of Kentucky having been appointed a Kentucky Colonel by former Governor Ernie Fletcher, (http://kycolonels.org/) and blessed more than I could ever have imagined, I don't want to ever give the impression that I am unhappy with America, I am a combat veteran of the United States Army and believe that I live in the best country in the history of the world. I simply want to see America continue to grow in a way that honors our Founding Fathers!

Lastly in closing, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible for liberty and justice for all.

Kevin Jankoski

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