Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My First Blog

As a 44 year old Moderate Conservative Republican American man, I am as fed up with the state of American Politics as the next guy, who's to blame? Who cares! Who is going to fix it.......those that show up. We hear it all the time, my vote doesn't count, what difference does it make? All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. The latest one I love is the attempt from the left to paint the new Tea Party Movement as a bunch of crazies, and while I don't agree with a lot of the Tea Party folks, I give them credit, for being average American citizens fed up with the direction of the Republican party, feeling as though the party has strayed from its base. All except Rand Paul, he very well may be a nut.  As a Disabled American his comments on the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act and his desire to see it repealed is crazy. Rand spend 30 days in a wheelchair without cheating, and then tell me you want the act repealed, that you would rather see the businesses themselves decide whether or not to be handicap accessible, Rand you wouldn't find a dry cleaner, dentist, or doughnut shop that was accessible to you, then lets see you flip flop.As I am a Kentuckian future blogs will be devoted to the Rand Paul/Jack Conway race.

I used to hear my grandfather tell me that there was two things I never wanted to see made sausage and laws, well folks the way things are going in Washington DC these days I might just want to see all the sausage in the world made. Things have strayed so far from the way the founding fathers planned. A US President addressing the Turkish Parliament by saying America is no longer a Christian Country? Really? America according to all polls is still an 80% Christian nation, while I myself am a Christian, that simply means I have decided to live my life according to the word of Christ, it makes me no better or no worse a politician. You see, Politicians, are the problem. Our founding fathers envisioned the citizen politician. Farmers and Carpenters and the average citizen running for a term or two then returning home to the farm to carry on having done there civic duty. What do we have today? Politicians that begin raising money for their re-election campaigns the day they are sworn in. Attempting to retire from the seat they hold. Senator Byrd 90 plus years old........hello?

Folks there is a lot wrong in our country we are slowly and steadily coming out of a terrible recession that some would say was more like a depression, but at what cost? Over a Trillion Dollars spent to stimulate the economy, but was the money given to small business, or given out to family run companies that were having difficulty.... nope. We bailed out wall street ( I guess I retired too early), we bailed out insurance companies and mortgage companies, we did nothing to help the little guy who was hurting the worst.

Today an eight month old baby carries $47,840.00 in debt. I have asked myself over and over what can I do to make a difference I am disabled and spend a lot of time unable to get around, so going door to door is out, running for office would be awesome but alas today's media only allows the rich to run. No way a guy in a wheelchair would get elected in this Country again anyway not since FDR, and I would be willing to bet that if FDR had to run in today's media someone would run a swift boat ad saying a cripple couldn't do the job.

No what's going to fix this country is simply the acts of good men who are no longer willing to sit on the fence and wait for the silver tongued Harvard, Yale and Princeton elitists controlled by the far left or far right to fix things. We need a return to Gentlemen in Office. If only Ronald Wilson Reagan were alive and in his 50's today. Well I can dream cant I? I will be here for the rest of my years blogging away honestly trying to be as fair as I can but giving my readers the up front knowledge that I am a Moderate Conservative Republican Fiscally Conservative almost to a fault, but with the belief that a balanced budget and a strong as hell military will always allow us to be the generous giving country we have been, without being challenged.

Lastly I must say that the current administration has done literally none of the things it said it would while campaigning regarding the Iran situation. While Mr. Achmadinijad continues to hurl his threats to push Israel into the sea and defies the IAEA, the United Nations, and the will of the world in its pursuit of Nuclear Weapons, the current administration decided health care, and telegraphing the moves of our military to the enemy were more important than an axis of evil charter member with thousands of centrifuges spinning up Weapons Grade Uranium. Mr. President talking isn't going to get the Iranian madmen to stop, supporting the reformists within Iran may help. Removal of the current regime through undermining there authority and helping the opposition party should be our goal. Or you could just send Nancy Pelosi over there to swing her purse at the bad men.........more to come, I promise. Lastly,

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation UNDER GOD indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Kevin Jankoski

1 comment:

Ed said...

Amen to all of it. This nation has utterly lost it's way. God alone knows how we will fix this mess.

Bailouts for Wall Street while Main Street died was idiotic. If the government had just randomly put $100 bills in cereal boxes, the result would have been better. Now, of course, we've already shot our bolt. There is nothing left of this nation's treasury to provide relief to it's people.

As for the US not being a Christian nation, please. I'm not Christian and yet the overall Christian character of this nation is undeniable to anyone with one eye and half a brain.

Your comments about Iran, in particular, struck home. I have a lot of friends in Israel and they are genuinely afraid. The prospect of a madman with atomic weapons needs no further explanation. Shocking that we are allowing this. The best that we can hope for from our policy is a new cold war. That or Armageddon.