Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rahm Emanuel to Depart the White House Chief of Staff Position can I get an Amen from the choir?

Rahm Emmanuel's departure from the white house is being billed as a victory by the Obama staff, that he is leaving to get his dream job of being mayor of Chicago, that's like leaving as the CEO of Haliburton to become a bus boy aboard a Greenpeace ship. The White House Chief of Staff is tantamount to being the CEO of America, the job is not just the running of over 2000 employee's and the Presidential Office and Senior Staff, it is the job of basically running the country. The President says do this for domestic policy for the country and the COS makes it happen. Leaving this job to run for Mayor of Chicago? Hmmmm I don't think so. Perhaps our commander in Chief is at the point where he has seen his numbers tank all the way to the flush zone, and see's his hopes for re-election somewhere between slim and none and figures that if he changes the overall theme of the Office Place and the Advice he gets from his most senior of staff that he has a chance. Rahm Emmanuel was seen as a terrible choice for White house Chief of Staff originally because he was seen as so anti bipartisan that the republicans where sure to roll out a legislative agenda that did nothing but challenge the white house to a duel on a daily basis, and Emmanuel's response was always somewhere between kiss my hula hoop and bite me. No I think that President Obama decided to shake things up a little to save the possible chance for a second term. Now all he needs to do is get Carl Rove to take the job as White house Chief of Staff and actually legislating and governing might just get done, well no probably not. As you all read the report below how do you take the news? Am I crazy or do they seem ( by them I mean AP ) to be giving Rahm Emmanuel credit for all the good things that happened and blaming President Obama for all the bad? Rahm Emmanuel's Afghanistan surge? Rahm Emmanuel's health care reform? Who is it that has that semi round office next to the Chief of Staff you know that umm OVAL yea that's it Oval office isn't the President the one who gets the credit good or bad? Does President Obama think were all going to fall for the head fake or the banana in the tail pipe again? Here is a good comment from the below article: "He has been the energetic inspirational leader of us taking the Presidents promises and agenda and enacting them into law." really? I don't think so Guantanamo bay: I promise that closing this base and trying these criminals in our legal system will be done by the end of my first year in office, ummm nope, still open. We will have total universal health care coverage...nope just a semi start ( I give President Obama a little credit on this, what he got done was hard enough but the wrong approach in my opinion) My whole point being it is not the Chief of Staff that gets the praise and blame for Presidential performance, It is the President. I am encouraged though, maybe the new Chief of Staff will point out to President Obama that the Iranians are in fact spinning up thousands of centrifuges refining Power plant grade Uranium into weapons grade Uranium and that's probably why they have kicked out the IAEA inspectors, and Achmadinijad has spun up his rhetoric about Israel. Without debating religion, America needs to always stand by Israel, not just because they are Jesus Christs Chosen People according to my bible, but because it is the right thing to do. We stick up for the underdog, and when a country the size of Rhode Island is being threatened by a neighboring country with extinction by a neighbor who is making a nuclear device we stand up and say NO YOU DON'T, and when a new president says I want to meet with this country diplomatically and see if I can talk them down toward middle ground,( what exactly is middle ground between extermination and pushing a country into the sea?) he should be voted out of office. When he has failed so miserably in his first two years in office and he decides to fire his chief of staff he should say so publicly, tell the American People that we were headed in the wrong direction and I have realized we need to change course and so I have made some staff changes. The next thing to happen should be that President Obama should hire a Chief of Staff that is a true bipartisan Executive Leader. The below article sure says a lot about the Obama Administration read on I have more to say.....

Thu Sep 30, 2:48 pm ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The White House lavished praise on the leadership of hard-charging chief of staff Rahm Emanuel Thursday, on the eve of his planned departure to run for mayor of Chicago.
Spokesman Robert Gibbs would not officially confirm fresh reports on the timing of Emanuel's departure but said President Barack Obama had scheduled a personnel announcement for Friday in the East Room of the White House.
There have been hints for days that Emanuel will be leaving to campaign for his dream job running his home city, and that Pete Rouse, a key Obama adviser will replace him in the key post on a temporary basis.
Emanuel, Obama's political enforcer, has been intimately involved in every aspect of the administration, from his Afghan troop surge to his landmark health reform, and his departure will change the complexion of Obama's staff.

"The title 'chief of staff' in many ways, says it all. He has been the energetic, inspirational leader of us, taking the president's promises and agenda and enacting them into law."
Emanuel, a profane, hard-knuckled Washington operative will become the latest top White House official to leave, ahead of an expected rebuke from voters for Obama's Democrats in the congressional polls in November.

A rebuke from voters for President Obama's Democrats in the congressional polls in November, I think more like a bludgeoning by the voters but time will tell. I would sure like to see someone with a calming effect on America talk to the voters and urge caution in the midterm elections. Admit that the country is frustrated and that mistakes have been made on both sides of the Isle but URGE voters to make smart choices, not to just vote a party out, or most dangerous of all to vote all incumbents out of office. This would be disastrous leaving the country with a majority of inexperience. I would rather see us go to the old age homes ( interject humorous laugh here) and find some Reganesque politicians and play it safe for a little while. I remember in Reagan's first term, double digit inflation, mortgage rates around 18-20% and a recession that just wouldn't let up, President Reagan stood fast on his Economic agenda and by the beginning of 1983 his plan was working even better than he had promised GDP increased in a single quarter by .04% almost triple what was expected, and inflation was kept in check. Caution is what we need although caution with firm resolve for change. I don't believe that President Obama will really want a second term and I also believe that another Democrat will challenge him and maybe it will be his VP, Joe Bidden ( which as a Republican would be a damn smart thing to do, split with President Obama on the basics, use his son serving in the military and site fundamental differences in our use of force policies). When was the last time we saw a liberal Democrat in favor of wielding our military might? I am hoping that by the end of the Midterm elections we have our Field of challengers put forward by the Republicans, Mike Pence of Indiana is a good choice, perhaps too conservative and soft spoken to make a strong run at it, but a great choice, and a damn fine man of character and trustworthiness. At least at a minimum we can break the logjam by taking back the house and maybe the senate as well but always remember that decision's are made by those that show up and yes your vote does count probably now more than ever. In Closing I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation UNDER GOD with liberty and justice for all.

Thanks for reading,


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