Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More Iranian rhetoric, with little hope of relief for our Israeli brothers.....

While this short Blog Post doesn't do a whole lot to stay within it's stated goals of pointing out the constitutionality of our political process, none the less I feel it's important to say the following:

When  Iranian President  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made comments at his appearance at the United Nations and began his speech with the bizarre claim that the US Orchestrated 9/11, the diplomats of several countries got up and made no attempt to keep their departure quiet, (in fact they walked past doors that would have made their leaving less noticeable) they wanted to make it known that although he may be the President of a Country he is in fact nothing more than a thug and a madman.

Here is the crux of my post tonight, why haven't we and other countries walked out every time he makes the claim that he is going to push the Zionists into the sea, when he talks about exterminating the Jews like rodents, when he says that they must work towards a goal of a world free of Zionists, why doesn't everyone get up and walk away? In fact why doesn't someone walk up to the podium and "bitch slap" this two bit joke? I mean really he is nothing more than a crazy man that just says whatever he thinks into any microphone put in front of him. I for one think that the Mossad should have one of their best and brightest switch the microphone that he is to use with one that spurts a special potion in his face that turns him Jewish, then he should be forced to spend the rest of his life walking in open air markets in Israel or riding the public bus system throughout Israel so he can see the fear that Jesus's chosen people live in every day of their existence.

This is 2012, and I guess I am just having a little bt of a problem understanding why the greatest country on earth just sits Idly by and allows this madman to have his time in the sun? Why do we allow him a visa to enter this country to speak at the UN? Isn't there a precident where we have banned dictators from comming to America? I mean it should be simple no  Mr. Ahmedinijad you can not enter The United States, why? Well because your Nuckin Futz thats why.

Israel is the size of Rhode Island, they are our Ally, and the Jewish People are just trying to survive in the promised land. The reason that none of these so called madmen have not tried to attack Israel directly is because we have said if you mess with them your messing with us and therefore subject to an ass kicking at the hands of the most powerful Army in the World.

The current US administration has done little if anything to help in the Iranian subject, he talked a great game during the election in 2008. He wanted everyone to know that he needed to open talks because he was so good at talking that he could talk the Iranians down from there nasty position towards Israel as well as the suppression of their own citizens. All the while allowing Mahmoud Ahmadinijad to steal the presidency yet again, and doing nothing to stop several thousand centrifuges from spinning up and turning out weapons grade uranium all for what the Iranians call peaceful purposes. Peaceful Purposes? Highly enriched uranium isn't any good for much of anything except for making nuclear weapons of mass distruction.

I often wonder if the entire world could just drop their political or business aspirations and just join hands and minds across the planet in support of an Iran that opens up their nuclear facilities to IAEA inspections and get rid of the nut jobs running the country and demand the moderates and pro western reformers have the freedom of speech that all people should be able to have. While walking out of the UN when this mad man begins his speech may show him that the diplomats have no respect for him the whole world needs to do the same. We need to push for the whole world to walk out on him.

The Israeli's need to know that even the average Americans support standing beside Israel, and almost every single military man and woman serving in our Armed Forces feels as if Israel is not just an Ally but an extension of the people they are sworn to protect. I appreciate Israel's restraint in not attacking the nuclear facilities Iran has been feverishly building. I believe they know the difficulty that it would cause but I applaud Israel for their restraint as they live every day under the threat of terrorist bombs in open air markets, yet they survive, and they fight on asking only for peace and the ability to co exist with their neighbors. So in closing walking out of the room when a madman talks is the first step not allowing him in the building is the second.

In closing, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation UNDER GOD indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

1 comment:

Ed said...

Good stuff KJ. It's not just Israel that should be worrying though. The last time these wackos decided to do something really awful, they did it right here. Factor a nuclear program in and the seriousness becomes that much more clear. Scary stuff.